Sunday, August 09, 2009

What are the benefits of Calvinism?
For the past nine posts I have written, my aim has been to answer the most common questions raised about the theology of Calvinism. I trust that the answers given have been helpful. I at least hope that whatever misconceptions may have been lingering in one's mind over Calvinism, have been taken away by these previous articles. Even if I have not convinced you of the truth of Calvinism, maybe when you think about it, there will not be the typical strawman version which is so common in our day. To say this another way, if you're going to disagree with Calvinism, at least disagree with what it really teaches and not a false idea you have about it.
Now for my closing post in this series, I simply want to give a list of eleven reasons that historic evangelical Calvinism is beneficial to the health and progress of Christians, both as individuals and collectively as the church. I will give no commentary to each of the points, but simply let them stand as sufficent statements to declare why every Christian who wears the label of a Calvinist has no shame in this badge of biblical theology.
1. Calvinism promotes the glory of God above all things and humbles the sinner.
2. Calvinism promotes the sovereignty of God over all things and humbles the sinner.
3. Calvinism upholds the authority, sufficiency, inerrancy, and infallibility of God's Word as what alone should be preached and determine all that we believe about God, man, salvation, the world, sin, etc.
4. Calvinism engenders a passion for personal holiness and godliness.
5. Calvinism spreads a passion for God-centered worship.
6. Calvinism spreads a passion for Christ-exalting evangelism.
7. Calvinism motivates a Christian's life to self-denial, cross-bearing, and Christ-following.
8. Calvinism enlarges the heart to trust and depend on God for all things at all times.
9. Calvinism gives a God-centered view of the world as under His control and all events being worked out according to His sovereign plan.
10. Calvinism creates a greater hunger and thirst to know God and love Him for who He is.
11. Calvinism glories in the grace of God through the work of Christ by the power of the Spirit as the only true reason any sinner is saved.

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