Monday, June 15, 2009

Stop Comparing and Follow Jesus!
Recently, I have been reminded of those sweet, convicting, blunt words of Christ to Simon Peter: "If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me" (Jn.21:22). The occasion for these words were in response to Peter's question concerning how Jesus would call John to suffer and die for God's glory (Jn.21:20-21). Since Peter had just been told how he would die for the glory of God (Jn.21:18-19), he wanted to know in what manner his friend and fellow-brother in Christ would also lay down his life for this same purpose. Jesus however did not treat Peter's question as an innocent inquiry. He brushed it off with a firm rebuke that said in effect: "Peter, it's none of your business how I choose for John to die for My glory. Your only business is to FOLLOW ME!"
Like Peter, I too need this same blunt reproof. In fact, I would even go so far to say that we all need these hard words from our Savior. Why? Because we are all wired to compare our callings, gifts, abilities, possessions, and varied trials with each other. And at the root of such comparing is an ugly craving to know how we stack up in relation to others. Are we more spiritual? More gifted? More popular? More knowledgeable? More admired by others? And if we find something we have more than our fellow-Christians, there is a subtle, sinister feeling of superiority that wells up in our hearts. Yuck!! How disgusting and deplorable to find something so unloving in us all. Yet, it is there. It was in Peter when he looked at John and wondered how will he glorify God in death. And it is in each of us when we look at our fellow-Christians and start comparing ourselves to them under the providence of God. But like Jesus said to Peter, He says to us as well: "What is it to you how I call and gift and prosper your brother and sister? You follow Me!"
I need these words of rebuke often. Sadly, in the world of church ministry, it is laden with the depressing bondage of fatal comparing. You can't read Christian magazines, hear Christian radio, or go to Christian conferences without receiving the insinuated message: "You're not making it. You're not really successful. If you just preached in this way, enhanced your worship style like this, and employed this evangelistic method - then you would have a church of thousands and be recognized." How discouraging! And if I buy in to this kind of message then I will quickly become a slave to the fear of man and the folly of fads - all in the name of "doing ministry". O how refreshing are those hard words of Christ to Peter: "What is that to you? You follow Me."
So rather than compare ourselves, as either individuals or churches, to the rest of the body of Christ; may we all resolve by grace to simply be faithful followers of Christ. This means rejoicing in whatever calling or giftedness Jesus has blessed others with different than our own. It also means being content with whatever we have received from God to use for His glory (Phil.4:11; Heb.13:5). It further means that the true standard of so-called success in God's kingdom is simply being a faithful steward of whatever God has called us to do (I Cor.4:2). Finally, we must trust in the wisdom and love of God's providence which governs and directs our lives in the very pathway where He knows we will glorify Him most (Prov.16:1,9; Jer.10:23; Rom.8:28; 11:36). Thank you, Lord Jesus, for Your much needed tough words to free us all from the foolishness and ugliness of comparing. Amen.

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